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罗斯托和富尼埃的BACH无伴奏大提琴,谁好? [复制链接]


比较版本很无聊,每个人心里都有一个甚至几个哈姆雷特,没有谁好谁坏或哪个最好一说。现今手里有40多个版本的巴赫大无,没觉得楼上说的那些版本有多么神。多听听其他人的演绎,就会发现他们各有所长,各有对作品的不同理解和诠释。就我个人的口味而言,比较喜欢Antonio Janigro, Erich Mainardi, Pierre Fournier, Andre Navarra, Janos Starker, Wieland Kuijken, Marc Coppey 等人的演绎。即将出版的老罗的一个巴赫大无全集,55年版,才28岁,应该叫小罗。

From www.supraphon.com
Johann Sebastian Bach – Six Suites for Solo Cello, BWV 1007-1012  
(LIVE recording from Prague Spring 1955)
Mstislav Rostropovich – cello
Today, Bach's suites form part of the repertoire of every distinguished cellist, and many of them have recorded the complete cycle. Yet when sixty years ago the twenty-four-year-old Mstislav Rostropovich (1927–2007) first performed all the suites in public, it was a trailblazing act, linking up to the previous endeavour of Pablo Casals. When this live recording was made in 1955 at the Prague Spring festival, Rostropovich was 28 years of age. He astounded the audience with his youthful verve and surprising artistic maturity. At the festival Rostropovich met his lifelong love, Galina Vishnevskaya, whom upon returning to Moscow he married after several days of acquaintance. When in 1991 the cellist made a complete recording of the Bach suites in France, he was 64. Hence, all the more precious is this live recording from the Czech Radio archives, which waited more than half a century for its release.
As a lover and connoisseur of wine, Rostropovich would certainly agree that some wines – and some recordings too – acquire a richer taste and a higher value over time.
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最后编辑yjk98 最后编辑于 2011-03-08 09:08:15
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