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英国naim与法国劲浪合并了! [复制链接]

Today we announced some very important and exciting news – Naim is merging its business with Focal to create a new European leader in audio – 1 company, 2 unique brands.  As Forum members, I wanted to share the background with you.
In spite of the world-wide market for traditional audio slowing down over the last few years, Naim has grown considerably.  A key factor is the impact of the digital revolution in music – it has led people to fall in love with music again, and to make it more important in their lives. With that trend has come an increasing demand for higher quality sound, and thus has resulted in strong growth for our new family of digital products.  This interest has also had a positive, knock-on effect on our classic products including CD Player sales, which have enjoyed growth.
The digital revolution keeps on rolling at pace, and we want to ensure that Naim is very much part of it. This requires a continuous high level of intellectual and financial resource, to keep the momentum going to secure our on-going business, and development of the next generation of NAIM products.
This merger ensures that Naim can march forward with confidence.
These are very exciting times for Naim – to find out more information on this new development, along a Q&A, please visit the news section on our website.

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